Faction servers are a special type of server where groups of people are formed to build bases and compete with others. For some children with health problems like asthma this can give them the chance to participate in activities that build teamwork and cooperative skills. With Minecraft they can do this without the fear of not being able to breath. Helping children to interact with each other almost anywhere and building leadership skills in deciding what's right for your group. Students get to experiment with leading others as well as the responsibilities that come with the job with a minimal amount of consequences. 
Initially when you enter a server things may seen a bit chaotic and the question "how is this educational?" will arise. Over time though after you meet other people server become a vibrant place where students can develop their skills in debating for what is right as well as leadership skills that can apply to real life. Children can use minecraft as a testing ground for trying to collaborate with other to meet common and personal goals. In the next section i will be covering how faction servers can relate to curriculum