One of the most important skills in life that you will have to apply to every part of your day is problem solving. Since the world we live in isn't perfect we will always have problems and we have to know how to deal with them. The same goes for Minecraft, if you never had any problems in the game you would just stand there and board. Some of the problems are the same in real life and in minecraft so by knowing who to come up with a solution in minecraft can help you in real life. A major problem you face often in minecraft is when you lose everything, either because you died or because a monster blew it up. In Minecraft depending on what you're carrying with you, a very large amount of your materials can be lost. This means that all the time spent gathering and crafting everything was wasted. Sometimes you have no choice but to build your world from the ground up all over again and this is extremely frustrating. In real life you are bound to run into times where you will have to start over on what you're working on, so by having a little experience hopefully it won't be as stressful when this situation comes around in the real world.

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    Duane Cressman
    Mike Potworka