There are many different theories of how you end up in the world of Minecraft. You could have crashed in a plane  in a strange land and you're the only survivor, it could be a crazy dream when you're in a coma, maybe there was nuclear war leaving unnatural creatures and you're the only human left. All we know though is you’re in a world where the physics are a little off and there are lots of things you have never seen before. Well what would you do first, you'll need to find food and shelter. Well there are animals almost everywhere so you can get food from them.  So for the first day you just explore this seemingly endless world, but as the sun starts to set you realize a very tall black humanoid with bright purple eyes is standing close to you. You look at it and it stares back standing completely still, you move your head a little to get a better look at it and it starts vibrating and dashes away faster than you can even see, almost as if it teleported. You try to find where it went and you see a horrifying site, there are skeletons with bows and arrows, zombies, giant spiders, and worst of all you see large green and white creature with no arms and 4 small stumps for legs coming towards you but you’re too scared to move, it starts hissing and gets right next to you. The next thing you know you're blown back in front of a large crater and you're badly hurt. You see more monsters coming for you and you know you need to hide. You quickly dig a small hole in the ground and get in it covering the top of the hole with more dirt and wait until morning when you feel safe to come out. 
Or at least that’s one story line that you could follow because in survival mode there an infinite amount of possibilities for you to explore. In real life you may think that knowing how to survive in a fake world is pointless, but here we will prove to you that you can learn important skills like time management, resource management, simple math skills, prioritizing what's important, learning to adapt to changing surroundings, and how to quickly memorize how to do tasks that you will have to repeat.

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    Duane Cressman